Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Chrismas Corner

Chrismas around the house
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
This is the top of a small bookshelf by our front door. I found those sweet cordoroy reindeers with markings from Japan at a rummage sale this summer while in Philly. They came from North Light, which is a community center in Manayunk where I grew up. It warms me to think that they probably came from one of those old row homes in on the hill, where I spent all my Christmas'....It gives me pause for my Nanny, whose house I cherished around the holidays. Where my Nanny's 12+ family gathered and laughed into the night.
The second piece on the shelf which makes me smile is an old copy of the Night Before Christmas. I believe it was printed in 1910 complete with an inscription, "To my Dear Sweet Niece Josephine." An old roomate/adopted older brother gave it to me when I was a teenager & I've longed to read it to my was exciting to do it last year, but I think this year is going to be even more special because Milo knows who Santa Claus is.....
I am so looking forward to Christmas.....

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