Monday, March 26, 2007

Popham Beach

Originally uploaded by zavodk.
Went to the most beautiful beach on Saturday, absolutely stunning.........
There were some folks who had brought their horses to the beach for a walk. The horses really enjoyed rolling around in the sand. What a lovely sight, I really should have taken some photos of them, but Chris had the camera.

Went on an unexpected blog-break this past month. Still processing all the new developments on our family front. Looking forward to the changes but as usual, still some big goals to meet before we get to out new destination.

Milo has been amazing lately. His imagination takes me for a ride. His joy for spring is positively inspiring, if only I weren't so tired....

1 comment:

Jessica said...

hi! that looks like fun..are you guys up for visiters this weekend? and i must know where that thrift store is on soulemamas blog! miss you!