Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cesky Krumlov

Cesky Krumlov
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
Wanting to think of happier times and more pleasant things, I did a search through my photos and came upon these beauties taken in Cesky Krumluv, my favorite Bohemian city.
Wanting more of the magic that lies there, I stumbled upon their website, go and partake of its beauty.
I particularly like the photos by Lubar, and was happy yet saddened to see that Jan Saudek is having an showing of his work there this month, ah......Hope all is well on your ends, just enjoying the melt-down.
Cesky Krumluv


pixiegenne said...

wow! what a beautiful city! thanks for sharing...

Jessica said...

hope all is well up there! you settled enough for visiters? kevin has weekend after next off..miss you guys!