Tuesday, December 18, 2007

getting on with it and more Xmas fun...

Originally uploaded by zavodk.
Big plans, my friends, I've had big plans for the holiday gift making....and I am only a smidgen there, with not much to show in the photo department. Only photos of this little nugget....
Being a Mom of two if pretty amazing, and I am loving that little Nate. Milo is the one who has been testing my parental prowess of late. He is three and testing boundaries at every turn. Nate's been a dream....thank goodness, even Milo thinks so.
Looking forward to showing of some goodies very soon. Hope everyone out there is having a wonderful holiday season....
Zoe, Nate and Cece
this is a photo of Nate with the "Lucia Girls" Zoe and Cece, sisters and the daughters of a very old friend of mine name Juno. They were in a festival this year, Lucia Fest at the Old Swedes Church here in Philly.....twas lovely!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Oh MY! Whatta love bug. He's screaming for a smooch!