Wednesday, September 12, 2007

always a little late

Originally uploaded by zavodk.
Went for a lovely walk this morning with Chris and Mr M. avec the dog and Milo took this photo of me.....
Just a funny little not, within the 8 block 1 hour time period excursion I ran into 4 different cousins all in different locations....gotta love home!
This is my contribution to last week's feet photo festivites....


Kevin Gardella for School Committee said...

I miss meeting up with you at the white heart and other seedy establishments to commiserate about the health care profession. Sorry to have missed you today when I talked to chris. I think I called his cell phone. Something about calling the home line and possibly waking you seemed wrong. Jess and I think about you guys all the time. love and hugs for one and all

Liger Mom said...

Ah the borough. Nowhere to hide.