Saturday, January 31, 2009


As a bit of a diversion I thought I would post about a recurrent and very rare on screen love.  I have been really enjoying watching HBO's series on John Adams.  But everytime I slip in a disc, I am transported back to watching Rome and immediately get a little flutter for Titus Pullo.
Oh yes, the dreamy, hunky Ray Stevenson as Rome's Titus Pullo.  I can hear a gaggle of my aunt's talking about, how unbelievably hot this man is & I must concur.  I don't often fall for the glamour of big screen or television men, but I must give it up for him. He is a work of art indeed.  
I also love how his character is described, 
"A ferocious lover of life, possessing the courage and loyalty of a warrior, but the morality of a pirate.  A man of huge appetites and wild passions.  Impulsive, unreflective, optimistic, generous and brutal."
its like he inhabits the most steamy-est of novels.  

Its nice to be able to wallow in this frivolity! 

Friday, January 23, 2009

long, long, long time

Originally uploaded by zavodk.
& in the evening-the moon would
hang over Casco Bay like a lemon pie
sliced with cream & slit & more
& our feet would meld in the sand
fingers clinking bottles and naught
& in the evening the cormorants call
& their feet lift off perches that ache
for them to leave - but call out
STAY in a long creaking groan
& we were in want of sun
truly in the cast off daze
in want of a meal-
in search of mussels cast on the rocks
in the bay the ferries cross quickly
& the tankers glide softly through the ink-like waters
we keep seeing the changes & the call
deep on our rocky borders-knocking-clanking
searching for cavernous openings
in which to penetrate with folly
we are the denizens-
who nightly roam the shores
washing away our evidential steps-
but keeping in constant pace with the night-
it is we
who hear the sirens call
who line the blackness with light

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
For so long
I held bitterness in my heart
let myself be a dissident
to my own country
my anger burned like a fiery river
fueled by lies, greed and hipocrisy
waves of relief
pound upon my welcome shores
loathing rolling away with the shifting sands
each spoken word, deed
I believe,
I believe,
I believe
that a change (a chance) has come
& all I have
all that I have held back
comes forth in great tidal floods
my tears
a sign that I too want to be that changed
I want to be an American again
I want to be a part of something good

a leader has emerged
with a voice that I can perhaps follow,
a voice that I want to sing with
free of pride, lies and obvious corruption
and I want to believe
this inherent honesty

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas Handmade Lineup

Hat for Brad
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
I truly am a tardy blogger! Finally getting around to posting the Christmas handmade goodness. This here's hat was a special one for my brother Brad. I had promised him a hat, gee, like 2 years ago, and I finally got it done! I had originally started him a crocheted hat, but this is what I ended up giving to him. Definitely hipper than I ever expected.
Little Brother Brad in his new Hat!!!
This is Brad sporting his new "lid" on Christmas Eve. The brim was a little flippy-er than I had anticipated. But I think I used elastic successfully for the first time!
Wallet for Rich
New Wallet for my other brother Rich.
Crayon roll for Harry
inside of Crayon roll for Harry
Crayon roll for Harry.
inside of crayon roll for Talia
Crayon Roll for Talia
One for Talia too!
Pencil Rolls for Zach and Christian
inside of pencil roll
pencil roll for Will
& some pencil rolls too! They were really straight forward to make & I believe the recipients liked them as well. I made one each for Milo and Nate. I also made a mail bag and mail box for Milo. It was nice to make some gifts and not be stressed out either. Christmas Eve I actually enjoyed my time with the boys rather than rushing around. Even made some Almond Bark for the family.