Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Late Monday

It's been a bugger of a day.
It's offenses to numerous to list.
But somehow, I found some redemption in a wee walk. Still in my realm, being busy and dutiful...I was walking Milo to and from his Monday morning program...but lucky me that walk was in the woods....where I noticed fat squirrels scampering about, 2 white tailed deer running like flashes through the golden sunlight, and a woodpecker doing diligent business in a tree.
Also had the privilege of watching Milo find out if the little pond was frozen enough for him to walk upon.
Tentatively, than more steady slipping with his feet & than the crack. His face lit in alarm and he quickly, stealthily made his way back. Brilliant.
Trying to hold on to that loveliness while I plow ahead through dinner and beyond...

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