Tuesday, January 18, 2011

scritch scratch

This photo was taken at FDR Park in South Philly, by Chris.

My grandparents had a pool table in their basement when I was a kid.  Often times we would play down there, listening to music, playing behind the bar or peeking at the remains of a massive model train platform that my grandfather had built.  In fact it was this very basement that I learned to dance.  I recall it was Michael Jackson's Off the Wall Album.  But all our fun centered around the pool table.  We weren't always allowed to play with the sticks, for fear that we'd scratch the table.  So my Aunt created a game called Rat Scratch.  All at once, we'd grab a ball and try to hit the other balls into the pockets.  It was quite fun.  One had to watch their fingers though....getting caught between two balls was no fun at all.  Ahem.

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